Just to add to this - the man was a Iranian national who had come to the camp just over a week ago. He tried to stab one of the detention centre members first, then attacked the policemen as they came to help. Both policemen are now in hospital and so is the attacker as he fell out of a tree whilst trying to escape. The policemen are both known to me and are considered by the detention centre detainees as kind men.
Please pray for those who witnessed the attack as they are deeply shocked by what has happened.
On a happier note, I am pleased to say that 14 of the 17 Bangladesh men have now returned back to their country. Unfortunately the few left have not yet had their identities confirmed.
UNICEF are trying to help those from Myanmar to obtain refugee status in Sri Lanka, but who knows what will happen to these men. There futures are currently very uncertain.
Ramo - has now been released and has been reunited with her parents and son again.
We are still waiting to hear about an appointment for Sinthadurai's India visa, we have funding for his ticket though.
18 Indian fishermen were also recently repatriated back to India from the Detention centre.