Friday 16th November saw me heading off from Colombo Fort rail station clutching my 2nd class rail ticket and heading northwards on a stretch of track which steadily climbs further and further up into the hills of Kandy and the central region. Arriving 3 and a bit hours later I was planning to be a a tourist and visit the famous 'Temple of the Tooth' - a very well known Buddhist place of pilgrimage - it is believed that a tooth of Buddha himself, rescued from his funeral pyre and brought to Sri Lanka in the hair of a princess resides within a '6-box' casket in the Temple premises. Photos show the offerings of flowers that people bring to the Temple and some of the wall paintings. From Kandy I made my way to Peradeniya Botanical Gardens where I was absolutely stunned by this veritable Garden of Eden. Again have included some photos - loved the colours and was quite taken by a plant which had huge spherical translucent green -seed pods? From here I was transported in a van with Rosemary & James, British Methodist mission partners who are both working at the Theological College of Lanka in Pilimatalawa. TCL was inaugurated in 1963 by the Anglican, Methodist and Baptist churches, later being joined by the Presbyterian church. It's the only ecumenical training institute among the Protestant churches of Sri Lanka. See http://www.tclsl.org/ for more info.
Winding our way up through the tea plantations, there was a chill in the air and looking out of the van window I noticed many people now wearing jumpers, hats, gloves and coats. Was this what they meant by Little England? Our final destination was Nuwara Eliya- a modest little town whose numbers are swelled each April when the Colombo elite decide it is just too hot in the city and decamp into the up-lands. They can enjoy a round of golf, perhaps go to the horse-races or just sit and have a nice cup of tea. It was here that we meet up with the Watson family - CMS Mission Partners in Kandy and the Bakers- a Canadian family who run a fairly unique school - 'Beacon Hill' which offers vocational training to young people of the ages 18-24 , for free. http://www.beaconhillacademy.org/
We had arranged to meet and have some worship and an opportunity to get to know one another and the roles that we have. A chance to talk about our experiences and share the difficulties and joys of working here.
Using the Petworth bungalow as our base- we had a picnic, climbed the 10th highest mountain in Sri Lanka, worshiped at Holy Trinity Church and haggled for fresh vegetables - the best in Sri Lanka!